Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA has earned the 2025 Best of Staffing award for providing remarkable service to their clients! Integrity Staffing Services has 41 verified ratings from their clients earning them 4.8 out of 5 stars!
Within the Staffing industry Integrity Staffing Services focuses on:
Office / Retail / Hospitality
- Aviation
- Construction
- Distribution - Shipping
- Facilities
- General Labor
- Installation / Maintenance / Repair
- Inventory
- Manufacturing
- Skilled Labor - Trades
- Supply Chain
- Transportation
- Warehouse
Office / Retail / Hospitality
- Admin-Clerical
- Hospitality - Hotel
- Promotional Events
- Restaurant - Food Service
- Retail
Additional Specialties:
- Government
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Get in Touch
Integrity Staffing Services
615 Lynnhaven Parkway
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Joanne is a great asset. She does a very good job at getting candidates in for our operation. If there are any issues, she handles them professionally and in a timely manner.
Kevin S. on November 14, 2024Working with Joanne has been a great help with our needs .
Moe W. on November 13, 2024Honesty, Dedication, Friendly Staff
Joe M. on November 13, 2024Working for and with Integrity has been a great opportunity and communication has always been great.
A Client on March 14, 2024Joanne has been a real pleasure to work with. She knows the operation and the management style of our company which really helps in recruiting for our job site.
Kevin S. on March 14, 2024The candidates we receive are all very friendly and the staff at Integrity always show us ample respect and understanding with our needs.
A Client on March 7, 2024Rachel - she does an awesome job working with the temps onsite and handling any and all situations that arise with them.
Amanda B. on March 6, 2024First and foremost, the Staff is great to work with and very knowledgeable of what their task was. They are very caring of their employees and that goes a long way with people.
Orlando N. on March 6, 2024Integrity has provided us with several candidates that we would gladly hire full time if budgeted roles were available for them
Mark T. on March 6, 2024Staffing agency managers stay involved and are up to speed on MAC needs. When issues arise, they are addressed quickly. We can easily get in touch with agency managers and are always accessible. Recruiters take the time to really understand the needs of our company and qualities of the trades we are currently staffing.
A Client on March 6, 2024- 1
- 2
Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA Q & A
How do clients rate Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA?
41 verified Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA clients have reviewed Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA and rated them 4.8 out of 5 stars. You can see all the client ratings on their profile.
How do talent rate Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA?
Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA collected reviews from 65 people that they helped find jobs for. They rated Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA 4.6 out of 5 stars. You can see all their talent ratings on their profile.
What kind of company is Integrity Staffing Services of Virginia Beach, VA?
This staffing agency focuses on: Government, Industrial, and Office / Retail / Hospitality.
About Integrity Staffing Services
Integrity Staffing Services is in the Staffing industry with company headquarters in Virginia Beach, VA and has 3 Integrity Staffing Services locations.
Company Awards
4 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Client
4 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Talent
Company Rating
Overall rating for 3 locations.