ProFocus Technology of Portland, OR has 49 verified ratings from their clients earning them 4.9 out of 5 stars!
Within the Staffing industry ProFocus Technology focuses on:
IT / Engineering
IT / Engineering
- Design - User Experience
- Engineering
- Information Technology
- QA - Quality Control
- Telecommunications
- Web / Mobile / Software Development
Get in Touch
phone: 503-236-2000
ProFocus Technology
10200 SW Eastridge Street, Ste 200
Portland, OR 97225
ProFocus has always done an excellent job of fully understanding the needs of our business and what we are looking for in a candidate. With this understanding, they bring in top-quality individuals for further interviews allowing us to greatly speed up our hiring process.
A Client on May 18, 2023ProFocus does an amazing job of working to understand the need and finding quality people. Aubrey has been great to work with. She always ensures there are regular check-ins and that expectations are clear so ProFocus can deliver.
A Client on May 15, 2023They are quick, efficient, and have great account managers that know technology recruiting. Barb was great to work with!
A Client on May 11, 2023They are very professional. I love the follow-up and that they will set up the interviews. They focus on your needs. They find and screen candidates based on qualifications and cultural fit. One more thing, they don't feel like vultures when it's time for payment like some recruiting companies.
A Client on May 8, 2023Works hard to understand the requirements of each open position to ensure quality candidates are presented.
A Client on May 8, 2023I love working with Sean McKeehan. He is extremely professional, supportive, communicative and personable. I also really appreciate the quality of candidates we receive from ProFocus.
A Client on May 3, 2023ProFocus works at a detailed level to clearly understand the job requirements and the candidates' qualifications.
A Client on May 3, 2023They want to get to know us as people and to understand our company culture, to find the candidate that is the right fit. They are patterners for the long term, not just supplying a candidate that might work and move on to the next job.
A Client on May 3, 2023John and the entire team have always shown me the utmost respect. That is important as I've been on both sides of the desk as a hiring manager and a job seeker.
A Client on May 3, 2023- 1
ProFocus Technology of Portland, OR Q & A
How do clients rate ProFocus Technology?
49 verified ProFocus Technology clients have reviewed ProFocus Technology and rated them 4.9 out of 5 stars. You can see all the client ratings on their profile.
How do talent rate ProFocus Technology?
ProFocus Technology collected reviews from 84 people that they helped find jobs for. They rated ProFocus Technology 4.8 out of 5 stars. You can see all their talent ratings on their profile.
What kind of company is ProFocus Technology?
This staffing agency focuses on: IT / Engineering.
About ProFocus Technology
ProFocus Technology is in the Staffing industry with company headquarters in Portland, OR.