Profiles of Baltimore, MD has earned the 2025 Best of Staffing award for providing remarkable service to their clients! Profiles has 1 verified rating from their talent earning them 4 out of 5 stars!
Within the Staffing industry Profiles focuses on:
Marketing / Sales
Marketing / Sales
- Design
- Marketing
Get in Touch
email: [email protected]
phone: 410-244-6400
217 N Charles St. Floor 5
Baltimore, MD 21201
The candidates that Profiles sends our way are always a good match. I also have a great working relationship with my contact (Keith Langley). He is always willing to discuss feedback and always open to having conversations with our contractors when needed.
A Client on December 20, 2024I know that the candidates put forward are high-performing and a good fit for the role. Profiles' deep understanding of the roles and responsibilities within marketing is clear from the roles they have staffed for us.
A Client on December 17, 2024Our organization had a time-sensitive need. Profiles (Danielle and Holly) was very responsive, took time to understand our need and our culture, and provided us with an excellent candidate within 48 hours. We appreciate Profiles' responsiveness and professionalism.
A Client on December 17, 2024The team was super helpful and organized, had a great experience. We are not easy with picking candidates and the team really supported our needs.
A Client on December 16, 2024I like the ease of communication, typically fast replies and a solid understanding of my team's role and culture
A Client on December 13, 2024Profiles found us a great Engineer. Thanks!
A Client on December 12, 2024Great recruiters and great candidate profiles sent to our team.
A Client on December 12, 2024I truly appreciate the level of support and patience that Profiles provides my team. There are a lot of moving parts staffing a team that's so large, so having a partner that is flexible and understands the nature of our business is extremely valuable.
A Client on December 12, 2024Tina Lee, April Walton, and Nancy DiSciullo are all amazing to work with. They understand my organization, its culture, and our hiring needs. Our jobs are hard to fill, but Tina and her team are always committed to giving us the best quality candidates with the best level of service.
A Client on December 12, 2024I have engaged with this supplier both as a flexforce-approved provider of talent as well as recently via a statement of work model. I find the talent caliber from Profiles is well matched to the job role and responsibilities they are given and they recruit with professionalism and authenticity that cares for the client as well as for the talent they offer. They are also open to feedback when talent doesn't perform up to expectations and takes action to address performance.
A Client on December 9, 2024- 1
- 2
Profiles of Baltimore, MD Q & A
How do talent rate Profiles of Baltimore, MD?
Profiles of Baltimore, MD collected reviews from 1 people that they helped find jobs for. They rated Profiles of Baltimore, MD 4.0 out of 5 stars. You can see all their talent ratings on their profile.
What kind of company is Profiles of Baltimore, MD?
This staffing agency focuses on: Marketing / Sales.
About Profiles
Profiles is in the Staffing industry with company headquarters in Baltimore, MD and has 4 Profiles locations.
Company Awards
8 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Client
2025 Best of Staffing Client 5 Year Diamond
7 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Talent
2025 Best of Staffing Talent 5 Year Diamond
Company Rating
Overall rating for 4 locations.