Jackson Therapy Partners of Orlando, FL has 101 verified ratings from their clients earning them 4.7 out of 5 stars!
Within the Staffing industry Jackson Therapy Partners focuses on:
- Allied - Home Health
- Allied - Lab
- Allied - Radiology
- Allied - Therapy
- Allied Placement
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Get in Touch
phone: 1-800-774-7785
Jackson Therapy Partners
3452 Lake Lynda Dr Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32817
Timeliness and attention to details
A Client on July 19, 2024Shannon Cooper is an amazing communicator and problem solver, she always sends me great candidates and is easily accessible for any questions I might have. She has been and is an exceptional partner to work with!
A Client on July 19, 2024These therapists are very qualified, competent therapists, flexible and pleasant to work with
Jeanne G. on May 22, 2024Communication and timely candidate placement.
A Client on May 14, 2024Amanda Leloudis
Katie T. on May 9, 2024Excellent communication.
A Client on May 2, 2024Shannon is a great partner. She is accessible and easy to work with.
Lisa S. on May 1, 2024Amanda is always so kind and attentive. She is a pleasure to work with. It is not ideal for us to have to utilize travel therapists, but when the need calls for it, Amanda and Jackson Therapy Partners are able to get us great candidates in a timely manner.
Jim H. on May 1, 2024Good communication through the candidate search process.
Stephen R. on May 1, 2024Our account manager Shannon is always on point. She understands that each of our clients are different and also listens when we explain why some rates are above what we can provide due to reimbursement rates, candidate experience, etc.
A Client on May 1, 2024- 1
- 2
- 3
Jackson Therapy Partners of Orlando, FL Q & A
How do clients rate Jackson Therapy Partners?
101 verified Jackson Therapy Partners clients have reviewed Jackson Therapy Partners and rated them 4.7 out of 5 stars. You can see all the client ratings on their profile.
How do talent rate Jackson Therapy Partners?
Jackson Therapy Partners collected reviews from 585 people that they helped find jobs for. They rated Jackson Therapy Partners 4.5 out of 5 stars. You can see all their talent ratings on their profile.
What kind of company is Jackson Therapy Partners?
This staffing agency focuses on: Healthcare.
About Jackson Therapy Partners
Jackson Therapy Partners is in the Staffing industry with company headquarters in Orlando, FL.