Actalent in Appleton is an engineering and sciences services and talent solutions organization. Every day, our experts around the globe are making an impact. We're supporting critical initiatives in engineering and sciences that advance how companies serve the world.
Actalent of Appleton, WI has earned the 2025 Best of Staffing award for providing remarkable service to their clients! Actalent has 140 verified ratings from their clients earning them 4.4 out of 5 stars!
Within the Staffing industry Actalent focuses on:
Clinical / Scientific,
IT / Engineering
Clinical / Scientific
- Science
IT / Engineering
- Engineering
- Information Technology
- QA - Quality Control
Learn More
Get in Touch
phone: (920) 636-4124
4351 West College Avenue Suite 200
Appleton, WI 54914
Easy to work with, great communication, and provides adequate applicants.
A Client on December 12, 2024- 1
Actalent of Appleton, WI Q & A
How do clients rate Actalent of Appleton, WI?
140 verified Actalent of Appleton, WI clients have reviewed Actalent of Appleton, WI and rated them 4.4 out of 5 stars. You can see all the client ratings on their profile.
How do talent rate Actalent of Appleton, WI?
Actalent of Appleton, WI collected reviews from 98 people that they helped find jobs for. They rated Actalent of Appleton, WI 4.4 out of 5 stars. You can see all their talent ratings on their profile.
What kind of company is Actalent of Appleton, WI?
This staffing agency focuses on: Clinical / Scientific and IT / Engineering.
What specific areas does Actalent of Appleton, WI specialize in?
Product and manufacturing; systems and software; construction management; environmental, architecture, and civil; power and utilities; healthcare; clinical research; laboratory sciences
About Actalent
Actalent is in the Staffing industry with company headquarters in Hanover, MD and has 130 Actalent locations.
Company Awards
3 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Client
3 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Talent
Company Rating
Overall rating for 130 locations.
Company Headquarters
Actalent Hanover, MD 21076
This location does NOT accept visitors without an appointment. Please contact Actalent before visiting this location.
phone: (410) 579-6456