Medix of Nashville, TN has earned the 2025 Best of Staffing award for providing remarkable service to their clients! Medix has 37 verified ratings from their clients earning them 4.7 out of 5 stars!
Within the Staffing industry Medix focuses on:
Clinical / Scientific,
IT / Engineering
Clinical / Scientific
- Biotech
- Pharmaceutical
- Science
- Allied - Dental
- Allied - Lab
- Allied - Medical Assistant
- Allied - Occupational Health & Safety
- Allied - Pharmacy
- Allied - Radiology
- Billing
- Locum Tenens - Advanced Practice
IT / Engineering
- Architecture
- Design - User Experience
- Engineering
- Information Technology
- QA - Quality Control
- Telecommunications
- Web / Mobile / Software Development
Learn More
Get in Touch
phone: (615) 236-1487
545 Mainstream Dr. Suite 330
Nashville, TN 37228
Working with Medex (Heidi H.) has been a truly excellent experience. She has a remarkable ability to identify and present outstanding candidates for review, ensuring that each selection meets our high standards. Additionally, her follow-up is exceptional, demonstrating her commitment to effective communication and attention to detail throughout the hiring process.
A Client on January 27, 2025Friendly teammates. Easy to work with.
A Client on August 19, 2024They are incredibly responsive and highly professional.
A Client on August 16, 2024Follow up and making sure that they conform to the needs of the contracting business.
A Client on August 13, 2024Prompt response and always so personable.
A Client on December 13, 2023They are always an email or phone call away to assist with any issues.
A Client on September 6, 2023quick response time
A Client on July 12, 2023- 1
Medix of Nashville, TN Q & A
How do clients rate Medix of Nashville, TN?
37 verified Medix of Nashville, TN clients have reviewed Medix of Nashville, TN and rated them 4.7 out of 5 stars. You can see all the client ratings on their profile.
How do talent rate Medix of Nashville, TN?
Medix of Nashville, TN collected reviews from 163 people that they helped find jobs for. They rated Medix of Nashville, TN 4.7 out of 5 stars. You can see all their talent ratings on their profile.
What kind of company is Medix of Nashville, TN?
This staffing agency focuses on: Clinical / Scientific, Healthcare, and IT / Engineering.
About Medix
Medix is in the Staffing industry with company headquarters in Chicago, IL and has 22 Medix locations.
Company Awards
11 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Client
2025 Best of Staffing Client 5 Year Diamond
9 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Talent
Company Rating
Overall rating for 22 locations.
Company Headquarters
Medix Chicago, IL 60606
This location does NOT accept visitors without an appointment. Please contact Medix before visiting this location.
phone: (312) 487-5800
fax: (312) 387-5899