ettain group of Durham, NC
ettain group is located at 4903 Emperor Blvd. Suite 220 Durham, NC and ettain group operates in the Staffing industry.
Within the Staffing industry ettain group focuses on:
IT / Engineering
IT / Engineering
- Architecture
- Design - User Experience
- Engineering
- Information Technology
- QA - Quality Control
- Web / Mobile / Software Development
Get in Touch
phone: (919) 941-0101
ettain group
4903 Emperor Blvd. Suite 220
Durham, NC 27703
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About ettain group
ettain group is in the Staffing industry with company headquarters in Charlotte, NC and has 9 ettain group locations.
Company Headquarters
ettain group 127 West Worthington Ave.Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203
phone: (704) 525-5499