Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL has earned the 2025 Best of Staffing award for providing remarkable service to their clients! Automation Personnel Services has 5 verified ratings from their clients earning them 4.4 out of 5 stars!
Within the Staffing industry Automation Personnel Services focuses on:
Office / Retail / Hospitality
- Distribution - Shipping
- Facilities
- General Labor
- Installation / Maintenance / Repair
- Inventory
- Manufacturing
- Skilled Labor - Trades
- Supply Chain
- Transportation
- Warehouse
Office / Retail / Hospitality
- Admin-Clerical
- Hospitality - Hotel
- Promotional Events
- Restaurant - Food Service
Learn More
Get in Touch
email: [email protected]
phone: (256) 533-5627
Automation Personnel Services
910 Merchants Walk
Huntsville, AL 35801
I like the professionalism of your outside representative, namely Mariah Campbell. She always has a positive attitude and a bright smile when checking on the candidates. Attentive and hardworking when it comes to supplying her accounts with the best people. She is an asset to your firm!
Forrest M. on October 30, 2024Our company has used Automation Personnel Services for over 4 years now and the Dalton team is the only temporary service that we use in North Georgia. Great people and great service. They listen to my needs for the company and act according. Professional service all around with the Dalton team, hands down.
Chris O. on October 30, 2024i like the friendly staff. We are on a first name basis with most of the team members in the location we use. Even though we don't have a need for a lot of associates, they treat us the same as the companies that do.
Glenn F. on October 30, 2024I have been working with Julie for almost 15 years. Julie and her staff are top-notch. I would recommend Automation to anyone looking for a staffing company.
Steve A. on October 30, 2024They provide very good service and assistance. Every time when there is a problem arise, Automation is always stand behind me and give me a good support. Thank you.
Owen T. on October 29, 2024I am a former Automation Manager; from the branch I am currently partnered with. I have to say, when I first reached out to APS Memphis regarding partnership, I feel they initially did good. Then, suddenly started having issues with one of the Talent Coordinators (who is no longer there). Now, since working with Tonya and Bianey, they are amazing, especially Bianey. She reminds me a lot of myself, and she absolutely understands our needs and what to look for when searching for candidates. She is very compassionate and amazing!
Jamiemarie R. on October 29, 2024They communicate clearly and in a timely fashion. They also ask questions.
Tanner S. on October 28, 2024Very Knowledgeable staff to help meet our needs, quick response time. Seems to be well organized.
A Client on October 28, 2024Customer service is top-notch! Anytime we have had an issue, which is very few it is immediately resolved. Automation is fantastic resource when we are needing a new employee to make part of our team.
Jack M. on October 28, 2024It is hard to say what I like best about Automation. They are very responsive and professional. The people that I have received from Automation have been here for some time and I do enjoy working with every one of them. As far as the recruiters, every one of them is nice, respectful and a pleasure to speak and work with.
A Client on October 28, 2024- 1
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Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL Q & A
How do clients rate Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL?
5 verified Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL clients have reviewed Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL and rated them 4.4 out of 5 stars. You can see all the client ratings on their profile.
How do talent rate Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL?
Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL collected reviews from 243 people that they helped find jobs for. They rated Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL 4.2 out of 5 stars. You can see all their talent ratings on their profile.
What kind of company is Automation Personnel Services of Huntsville, AL?
This staffing agency focuses on: Industrial and Office / Retail / Hospitality.
About Automation Personnel Services
Automation Personnel Services is in the Staffing industry with company headquarters in Corporate Office, AL and has 37 Automation Personnel Services locations.
Company Awards
10 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Client
2025 Best of Staffing Client 10 Year Diamond
7 year winner
2025 Best of Staffing Talent
2025 Best of Staffing Talent 5 Year Diamond
Company Rating
Overall rating for 37 locations.
Company Headquarters
Automation Personnel Services 3500 Colonnade Pkwy Ste 500 Birmingham, AL 35243
phone: 2057333700