American Paper & Twine Co. of Knoxville, TN
American Paper & Twine Co. is located at 2710 Redfern Lane Knoxville, TN and American Paper & Twine Co. operates in the Manufacturing industry.
Get in Touch
phone: (865) 330-8800
fax: (865) 690-7008
American Paper & Twine Co.
2710 Redfern Lane
Knoxville, TN 37931
About American Paper & Twine Co.
American Paper & Twine Co. is in the Manufacturing industry with company headquarters in Nashville, TN and has 7 American Paper & Twine Co. locations.
Company Headquarters
American Paper & Twine Co. 7400 Cockrill Bend Blvd. Nashville, TN 37209
phone: (615) 350-9000
fax: (615) 350-8999