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Messer Construction Co.

Commercial construction firm headquartered in Cincinnati, OH with 11 locations listed below.

of Cincinnati, OH

Map Pin for this location
643 W. Court Street Cincinnati, OH 45203

of Charlotte, NC

Map Pin for this location
4201 Stuart Andrew Boulevard, Suite B Charlotte, NC 28217

of Cincinnati, OH

Map Pin for this location
2495 Langdon Farm Rd Cincinnati, OH 45237

of Columbus, OH

Map Pin for this location
3705 Business Park Drive Columbus, OH 43204

of Dayton, OH

Map Pin for this location
4801 Hempstead Station Drive Dayton, OH 45429

of Indianapolis, IN

Map Pin for this location
2445 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46208

of Knoxville, TN

Map Pin for this location
120 Perimeter Park Road Knoxville, TN 37922

of Lexington, KY

Map Pin for this location
854 W. Main Street Lexington, KY 40508

of Louisville, KY

Map Pin for this location
11001 Plantside Drive Louisville, KY 40299

of Nashville, TN

Map Pin for this location
230 Great Circle Road, Suite 218 Nashville, TN 37228

ClearlyRated Search Results Deliver "Best Match"

Custom filters and sorts are applied to all search result listings to best match what you are searching for.

1. Results are filtered by companies that have indicated they serve the industry AND postal code or state that is provided in the search or companies that match any part of the company name AND industry provided in the search.

2. Companies are sorted into 4 groups with companies from Group A displaying first, Group B displaying second, Group C displaying third, and Group D displaying last.

Group A:
Any location from a company that has a current* star rating and their location's star rating is turned on to display on their profile page.
Group B:
Any location from a company that has a current* star rating and their brand's overall star rating is turned on to display on their profile page.
Group C:
Any location from a company that has no current* star rating or has opted to turn off their star rating on their profile page and has sent a satisfaction survey in the last 12 months.
Group D:
Any location from a company that has no current* star rating or has opted to turn off their star rating on their profile page and has not sent a satisfaction survey in the last 12. months.

3. Within each group listed above (A, B, C, and D) the results are sorted on the following criteria in the order listed below.

  1. Companies that have earned their industry's "Best of" award in the most recent year
  2. Companies with the highest number of available ratings (this is determined by the audience with the largest number of ratings, i.e. clients or employees)
  3. Companies with the highest available star rating (this is determined by the audience with the highest star rating, i.e. client or employee)
*Current is defined as the prior 24 months to date
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