Run a world-class
CX program powered
by Net Promoter® Score
One of the best ways to gauge customer loyalty is with an NPS survey.
Run a world-class CX program powered by Net Promoter® Score
One of the best ways to gauge customer loyalty is with an NPS survey.
What is a Net Promoter® Score?
NPS presents customers with a simple survey, then feeds their answers into a formula to produce a single figure for benchmarking. To qualify as NPS, the survey must ask the question, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend?” Depending on the given score, a customer will either be considered a:
Why is NPS the leading metric for CX?
NPS categorizes customers into promoters, passives, and detractors — providing a comprehensive view of customer loyalty and identifying those likely to refer your business. This is important for B2B service firms that heavily depend on referrals for growth.
NPS industry benchmarks
NPS has gained global recognition as the gold standard for measuring, influencing, and enhancing customer experiences. It allows you to benchmark your score against industry standards, providing valuable insights into how your business compares with others in your sector.
Experience the best NPS survey tool for B2B service firms
Reduce churn, improve satisfaction, and increase retention with ClearlyRated.