ClearlyRated Survey Questions

Types of Questions We Support

Below is a list of the types of survey questions  that ClearlyRated currently supports. The survey questions that are available to you will depend on your subscription level.

For Premium and Plus level subscribers ClearlyRated offers a standard set of questions that can’t be customized. You can find these in your Getting Started Packet.

Enterprise level subscribers can customize any of their questions and may use up to 12 questions total for client surveys (and talent surveys for the staffing industry). For employee satisfaction surveys, the first 13 questions are customizable and the 7 demographic questions can be turned on or off, but cannot be customized. Regardless of package level, we require the Net Promoter® Score question to be included in every survey we send.

Scaled NPS Required

  • Required for all package levels

Open Ended

  • Standard question for basic, premium, and plus level subscribers
  • Optional question for enterprise level subscribers

Questions that include a free form text box

Select Driver

  • Standard question for basic, premium, and plus level subscribers
  • Optional question for enterprise level subscribers

A select question where respondent chooses ONE answer (i.e. Always, Sometimes, Never). Allows you to measure impact on NPS.


  • Optional question for enterprise level subscribers only

Multiple choice question that allows responded to pick ONE survey answer


  • Optional question for enterprise level subscribers only

Allows respondent to pick MULTIPLE answers

Scaled Non-NPS

  • Optional question for enterprise level subscribers only

0-10 survey question that displays answer as a numerical average


Types of Questions We Don’t Support


  • Ranked survey questions (questions that ask respondent to compare and rank items in order of importance)
  • Limit answer selection (can't limit number of answers on multi-select)